
Helping to prevent lives from being ruined


I’m passionate about reducing violence. With that in mind, I’ve delivered my ‘One Punch Ruins Lives’ presentation within the criminal justice system, schools and organisations across the country.

Over the years, teachers, practitioners and members of the police force have asked me for more resources to help them prevent violence and reoffending.

To meet the need I’ve written a set of booklets titled ‘One Punch Ruins Lives’, tailored for different ages and abilities. They have been developed with support from primary and secondary school teachers and a university lecturer.

There are three books in the set: 

  • Junior edition (primary school age)
  • Easy-read edition
  • Over 11 years of age

The booklets have been brought to life through my trauma and lived experiences of brain injury. My insight effectively communicates the danger and devastating impact of mindless acts of violence.

The texts are deliberately short and concise to fit with time constraints in schools and other organisations. In schools they can be read in a group/class setting as a preventative exercise or by individuals in detention/reflection after displaying violent behaviour.

There is a ‘Points to consider’ page at the end of each booklet with six questions for individual consideration or group discussion. This helps to establish whether the reader has understood the story and its key messages.

The booklets also contain practical tips to help individuals calm down and make them less likely to commit violent acts.

I’m delighted that these booklets have been commissioned by the Humberside Police and Crime Commissioner, Jonathon Evison and the Humber Violence Prevention Partnership. This means that every Primary and Secondary school in North Lincolnshire now has direct access to these valuable resources.

To order or make an enquiry about the booklets, please email

To find out more about the booklets, please click this link, or watch the video below